To recap the month of April...
Shows that ended in April:
'Shear Genius' (Bravo) 3rd season finale - I was mad that Brig won
'Melrose Place' (The CW) 1st season finale - Yes....I watch the new one
'Millionaire Matchmaker' (Bravo) 3rd season finale - Gotta love Patti
'Ugly Betty' (ABC) series finale - SO SAD to see the end of this show happen
'Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution' (ABC) 1st season finale - Very inspiring
Shows that started in April:
'Intervention' (A&E) 8th season mid-season premiere - Some people find this show depressing but I think it's amazing, especially when people stay clean
'Glee' (FOX) 1st season mid-season premiere - Loved the Madonna episode, can't wait for the Lady GaGa episode, and word on the street is they might do a Britney Spears episode too
'Dhani Tackles the Globe' (Travel) 2nd season premiere - Sports-related, but Dhani sure is nice to look at
'Say Yes to the Dress' (TLC) 5th season premiere - I'm not planning on getting married, but I can't help watching the random bridezilla
'The Hills' (MTV) 6th season premiere - see below
'The City' (MTV) 2nd season premiere - I love Whitney but I'm not sure she's a big enough star for her own show. 1st season was alright, we'll see how this season goes
'Friday Night Lights' (NBC) 4th season premiere - Mom will be happy about this one too, starts on the 30th
Shows I wish I watched but no one has convinced me to add them to my DVR...yet
'Little People, Big World' (TLC) 6th season mid-season premiere
'Celebrity Fit Club' (VH1) 7th season finale
'Top Chef Masters' (Bravo) 2nd season premiere
'Tori & Dean' (Oxygen) 5th season premiere
Don't worry, I don't actually track all this information in my head. I'm not that obsessed. My source is here.
Season 6 premiere of The Hills
I promised Rachel that I would blog my reaction to tonight's season premiere of The Hills, so here you go.
1. Why is Stephanie friends with everyone now? She's only there to ask "loaded" questions. I don't like her and wish she wasn't on the show...ever.
2. Did Heidi and Spencer rob a pawn shop? What's with all the gold jewelry?
3. FrankenHeidi is going to be in my nightmare tonight. She's straight scary looking!
4. Brody
5. Since when does wearing sunglasses mean you do drugs? Jack Nicholson's been wearing them to Lakers games for years. Oh...wait...
Final Thoughts: Overall, it was a pretty boring season opener although clips from the rest of the season look pretty juicy. I think it's a good thing that this is the last season though. It's starting to be same old, same old.
BTW, did I mention that I love reality tv. I love it so much, that I read both of Lauren Conrad's books, L.A. Candy and Sweet Little Lies, which are about reality tv. They are "fictional" although a lot of the story lines and people sound very similar to those in The Hills. Regardless, the books were fantastic and I highly recommend them.

On a side note, a commercial for Sex In The City 2 came on during The Hills, and I just want to say...I can't wait! Aidan's back..yeah.