Friday, June 18, 2010

Makeover and Multitasking

I've not posted for while for three main reasons.
  1. Work has been busy (in a good way)
  2. I've been sick (I'm better now)
  3. Nothing exciting has happened (probably because I've been working or sick)
Anyways, you all might have noticed my Blog got a makeover thanks to Blogger Template Designer which is a new tool in Blogger that makes designing your Blog a whole lot easier. Don't be surprised if my blog changes it's look a couple of times before it finds its official style.

On a completely different topic, if you're like me, it seems like there are too many things to get done in a day sometimes. Many of us pride ourselves on being able to multitask which we believe allows us to get more things done, faster. Well, according to the article How (and Why) to Stop Multitasking in the Harvard Business Review multitasking can reduce productivity by up to 40%. The author decided to stop multitasking for a week, and instead focus on one task at a time. He found that he was able to make progress on significant projects, reduce his stress dramatically, and find patience for things he found enjoyable and useful. The article isn't too long, and it's definitely worth the read. If you decide to stop multitasking, let me know how it goes.

PS. My couch is being delivered next Thursday so I'll have pictures posted soon.

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